Wednesday, September 25, 2024

stories: The way of Teaching language and concepts

*Teaching: An undeniable approach for parents*
Dr Kondekar recommends tarbull kids story box available on Amazon . Call it audio mobile.
. For speech and language development.
_Teaching and educating a child during initial years of his/her life is essential but challenging too._
Parents often stand in a dilemma to choose *the best teaching method* for their child. 
But what is the best method? 🤔
*Hear it out in doctor’s words* -

Many parents show their children illustrations from the book📕 and ask them to identify the images represented in it. 
For beginners, showing illustrations is a right approach but asking them to identify them on their own is not.❌ It is like you are taking your child’s exam before teaching him/her anything. 
*Real teaching is when a child asks the question and parents answer.*
*_Let child’s inquisitiveness rise._*🤓
Take examples from home, suppose an apple 🍎is kept on the table, tell your child this is an apple🍎 enriched with vitamins and we should eat it. This way, he will be able to identify the apple and become aware of its benefits.

*Next comes the role of books📚 in the mental development of a child.*✨ _Parents should give those books to their child that have pictures in them and their story progresses as the child turn its pages._ 📈It will make child understand the narrative of story on his/her own.

Parents are advised to always prioritize *face to face🗣️ communication* with child by using conversational stories. 

For a *2 years old,* best conversational stories can be derived from Hindu mythology🔱 because here you are not required to think before quoting. They are solely based on conversations and we want children to copy pragmatics through conversational stories. 💫It can be best told by *action and sequence* of the sentences and should be continued for *3 months*.

*Right way of storytelling*
Parents should focus on only one story a day with a duration of *not more than 20 minutes*.💬 It can be repeated the same day but should not be extended till the next day. This same story can be repeated🔁 the entire day but every time in a more innovative manner 🌀for stronger understanding of same story. This practice is called *real time dynamic learning of the conversational story telling*. A child best learns the conversation by copying the conversation. *_100 stories for 100 days_* should be the target of parents.

For a *3 years old* child, moral stories for *3 months* should be taught. Stories that include discussion among people🧍🏻🧍🏻‍♀️ and framing the conclusion with some moral values🚯 like *Panchtantra,* *ESOP Fables*,*Shaymchi aai in Marathi.* Stories with moral lessons will be more impactful than simply telling them moral values or advising them not to opt any bad practice because *restriction always provokes children.*🫥

*For a 4 year old,* stories involving tricks, logics, and mindfulness will be the best. For example, *Akbar-Birbal stories*🧞‍♂️ and *Tenali-Rama stories*🥷🏻 will compel a child to awaken his thought process.

By the age of *5 years*, a child will develop some maturity and enough understanding to comprehend the *basic concepts of science* like how the plants grow,🌱how the earth rotates,🌍 why the rain falls, etc.🌧️ This should be explained to a child in a simple story format.

And finally, when a child understands science, by *6 years* 👱🏼‍♂️of age, his mind is open to learning mathematics concepts. 

*Note*- From *4-6 years,* child should gradually be made aware of pre-mathematics concepts like shapes,🔵🔺🔶size, counting numbers, 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣etc. 
Even addition-subtraction should be taught to them in a story format. For instance, Ram has two toffees🍬 and Laxman gave him 2 more. So, 2+2= 4 which means Ram has total 4 toffes. 🍬🍬🍬🍬
*_This sequential way of teaching will expand child’s mind in plethora of ways._*

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Thursday, August 22, 2024


Dr Kondekars HYPERACTIVITY and ADHD management protocol in autism adhd LD kids

basic advice to parents of autism kids about how learning is to be initiated and in what direction

When we need to do correct, we need to stop doing wrong.
When going ahead is our goal. Let’s not go behind.
Whatever child used to do in past and has regresses, lets keep that as a goal to get back in 6 months and move ahead.
Our kid has learning deficit. It’s not delay. Delays get catch up, deficits need double speed to overcome to an extent.
In autism the social and cognitive development is slowed down to say 0.0005 x zoom.
All developmental soft milestones which appear normally at an age and maturity wil seem to appear slowly, slower, later and develop over months than just 2 weeks in normal kids.
Development Of social and cognitive milestones is important for learning.
Our kid has learning deficit. Kid couldn’t learn like normal kids bcos child is not receptive for learning.
Whatever child has learnt, had learnt in extremely slow speed with heavily repeated conditioning.
Our aim is to help the kid learn on his own from environment.
So, when learning is our motive, and we have serious learning deficit, we need to be very serious about this goal and work towards it.
So when learning is our motive, at least for 2 months let’s give 200% percent to it and strictly stay away from entertainment
If maximum time of the day is not spent on learning it means that maximum time of the day is just time passed or spent on entertainment. And if so, means we are not serious about learning.
What child has to learn is being human to become a member of the family.
Being a member of family. One who can become a member of family then only one can become member of society.
To become a member of family, the kid has to learn to connect with family members.
Only when u connect with someone we communicate with them.
Without connection and communication  there is no onversation.
What one has to learn is to
 1. Be with humans 
2. Look at humans 
3. Listen to humans 
4. Follow humans 
5. Feel humans 
6. Develop a relationship with humans 
7. Listen to humans
 8. Copy the feelings, looks, communication and conversations 9. Copy the language and intellect and behaviour . 

To develop awareness of human word  it’s important that child should develop awareness of environment. Initially (basic non living and ) most importantly basic living environment.
Awareness of environment is developed only when child gives attention to the environment.
To notice any thing or any one or feel any thing or any one , one needs to notice the environment 
To notice the environment,  one needs to develop posture of attention.
Posture of attention is like being receptive. 
Without receptiveness, there is no learning 
So let’s make the kid receptive. Only when we can make the kid receptive, we can expect a response. Initially without understanding  and later with minimal understanding, which will grow as per inputs.
Posture of attention means steadyness of body and mind. It’s like fixing the dish antenna to receive signals. Only when body receives signals, in time and adequate, the signals are noted and processed.
Autism kids are not receptive as per age. Mainly bcos their mind or body is not in a state of receptiveness.
For example, 
1. One may need to call by name or action many times to get attention
2. One may fail to get child’s attention to the learning objects or people
It means eyes are there to notice and ears are there to listen, the kid is not blind or deaf, but cannot see or hear promptly to a signal.

One most common reason why someone cannot pay attention despite repeated attempts being..
1. The child is not steady by body or child’s body hands or feet or eyes are in continuous state of movement. When one is in movement, attention takes backfoot 
2. The child is not steady by mind or child’s thought behaviors action feeling or sensing the environment are not steady. Unless the body is steady, mind cannot  be steady
3. Only when body  and mind is steady , eyes can focus.
4. To learn something , eyes and ears attention needs to be given to the person who is teaching throught eyes and sound /language.
5. Unless u look at a person or human, u cannot connect with them.
6. Listening by ears , need a sustained focus with eyes.
7. Humans are best connected by eye to eye connection.. longer and sustained
8. Only when u develop a good eye to eye connection , u can initiate listening.
9. Ears are there to listen.
10. To become aware of environment, we need to appreciate, understand and learn signals given to eyes and eats
11. 99% of our knowledge and learning comes through listening or verbal learning.
12. Verbal or listened learning has language, vocabulary, imagination, past tense and future tense 
13. Visual learning lacks all this and surely touch based learning doesn’t  help u understand language communication and no 12 above.
14. To conclude, one has initiate sustained sitting, sustained looking and sustained listening in preferablybverbal form to develop awareness of surroundings.
15. Learning by eyes and ears through verbal form is 1000 times superior to nonverbal learning through skin and toys.
Dr Santosh Kondekar

levels of speech development in children

stories: The way of Teaching language and concepts

*Teaching: An undeniable approach for parents* Dr Kondekar recommends tarbull kids story box available on Amazon . Call it audio mobile. . F...